Epupa Falls Lodge

epupa falls namibia

Contact Us

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Reservations/Direct Clients:

+264 81 250 8225 (WhatsApp Only)

[email protected]

Lodge (emergencies only):

+264 (0)81 443 1220

Agent Enquiries:

[email protected]

Directions to Epupa Falls Lodge & Campsite

The Road to Epupa Falls

Finding directions in Namibia isn’t always easy and believe it or not, even Google Maps get it wrong from time to time. So pay attention.

Directions From Opuwo to Epupa Falls

Heading northwards out of Opuwo, take the C43. Continue on the C43 for about 121km to Okongwati.

Okongwati is a great stop for refreshments and the best Portuguese rolls ever. As you come into the town, turn left at the only stop street and head down the street. Alfons Restaurant will be on your right. Or just ask for it. The people around here are very friendly.

Right, back to the C43. Head further north for about 78km. Once you get to the airstrip (on your right), you can relax. The end is in sight.

From here the road winds down the mountain pass you have spent an hour climbing without even noticing. Take it slow. These last few kilometres can be tricky.

You will see many signs, mostly handwritten, to viewpoints etc. Pass them all down to Epupa. On your right, you will see a little police station and on your left a community campsite. Continue for about 50m and you will see Epupa Falls Lodge & Campsite to your left. 

You have arrived.

Directions From Ruanca to Epupa Falls

Directions from Ruacana towards Epupa are even more straightforward. From Ruacana take the D3700 along the river. Take it slow. Very slow. There are a lot of youngsters with goats and animals on this road. Besides, this is also one of the most scenic roads in Namibia.

Stop at Swart Boois drift and enjoy the incredibly beautiful views, have a Coke (no drinking and driving!) and head further west towards our neck of the woods. As you come closer to Epupa you will see an increase in activity along the road. From veggie gardens to cattle and Himba begging for a lift.

Head past Epupa town (on your right) to the T-section. If you turn left – you head towards Opuwo so make sure you turn right towards the green-green grass of home. 

On your right, you will see a little police station and on your left a community campsite. Continue for about 50m and you will see Epupa Falls Lodge & Campsite to your left. 

Head to our deck and Restaurant and have that ice-cold beer you have been longing for all day.

Side Note:

Many, many moons ago the D3700 was a particularly challenging road. This is no longer the case and you can drive it now with ease in your luxurious 4×4 with high clearance. You can even put your vehicle in a 4×4 for all the gravel roads while travelling in Namibia which will give you better traction and a smoother ride.

Very Important:

Namibia’s rainy season starts in November and lasts until March. For Kaokoland it is from February to March. We hardly ever have rain for more than a couple of hours. But, this also causes flash floods.

Please make sure of the road conditions before you leave your lodge or campsite. And the best advice when you get to a flowing river – if you don’t want to walk through it, don’t drive through it. Please be safe! 

Epupa Falls Lodge Map

What our guests say

epupa falls lodge campsite

“Very nice campsite. we spent here one night and day, with good camping facilities, a terrace with a river view (we spotted even a crocodile from there!), and close to the waterfall. Absolutely worth spending the night here”

– Przemyslaw


Epupa Falls Lodge